oh dear you've found the secret slime cave lair of enforcer @ draggian universe where they put their awful little thoughts. created as somewhere to put my angsty thoughts about how falling in reverse sucks other than the void and annoying my friends.
This is stylized to what I'm comfortable posting online, so I won't go into too much detail about anything, but it's my stream of consciousness, so you could see almost anything. Potentially disturbing things that might be likely to come up include violent imagery / jokes, angst, mentions of IRL unpleasantness, unreality and surreal stuff, and religious imagery (deities, angels, demons) as applied to myself.
Only the most recent thoughts are being shown. Anything before then is frankly none of your business, and the core concepts of anything that was actually worth keeping for informational purposes and not just live-blogging things I was doing, diary entries, or shitposts (as the kids say) are probably ending up on my Neocities.
should get back into flight rising dragon share
i wonder if Ronnie's love for himself would outpace his transphobia if a transmasc person more disgusting than me openly tagged him in letting him know that he's their inspiration. of course, in my case, it's a "I like what you had going on, but you weren't doing it well; let me see if I can fix it" and isn't exactly a compliment. it's like "good first try, I could do better". I think I'd do a better job at being Ronnie than he does, at least in terms of the vibes he gives off. Like, I can evoke everything of him that people want [as in, the EtF / TDIMIY stuff] and frankly I'm just as cute. If I had control of his body and he hadn't sabotaged his vocal range, I think I could fix FIR's scene cred reputation within 5 years. Perhaps that's why he's been destroying himself and removing everything that defines him as Ronnie? So he's less appealing to possess?
mochia://I hate Leapscape, but I respect that I hate it. Along with Risen Fall and the coop re: being frustrating. I'm of the opinion that every good panoply of mini-games needs something with a touch of sadism. There are things you do for easy daily grinding, and there are things you do for challenge, where getting them feels like an accomplishment. I like things like the Lever Of Doom and The Coop because they're messing with the concepts of RNG and avatar-gaining and such in its purest form.
The concept of Shadow Pokemon has been carefully avoided (which is part of why their presence in Pokemon Go surprises me so much), but the TCG has had its equivalent in "Dark Pokemon" for years, which I think are due for a comeback, so they could totally do that for introducing the Rocket leaders.
Of course, the team leaders and heck, even Professor Willow, have been pretty thoroughly neglected in their home games for the past couple years so...
I suspect that the Pokemon Go / TCG tie-in was a gimmick and is unlikely to come back, but I'd love to see it at least appear in TCG Pocket, if not get expansion in person (cards for the rocket leaders, please) for its 10th anniversary in 2026. Like, the TCG cards are the best art the team leaders have ever gotten and I want more, damn it.
Also, I've wanted the team leaders in Pokemon Masters EX since I briefly played it in 2021-22 (I played until I couldn't win in the campaign anymore) because it's the closest we're ever going to get to a Pokemon dating sim. (in that you get to socialize and bond with your sync pairs and their Pokemon as they get stronger. It's the most slice of life many Pokemon NPCs have ever gotten and it's great.)
Now, the legendary birds, which would be the team leaders' most logical sync pair partners, were given to the Gen 1 protagonist trio (lame), but like, there are shinies or they could give them other Pokemon iconically associated with them. Or they could just repeat Pokemon, which other sync pairs have done, or give them either birds or Elekid / Lapras / Rapidash with Pokemon Go costumes.
to clarify, EFF does great work otherwise, but describing artificial generation as increasing folks' access to visual art is fundamentally flawed
large "AI" models are antithetical to innovation. it's a slurry of what their corporate producers want the prompt to look like. it's stock photos writ large. there is no such thing as "innovation" when using prompts. fuck EFF being pro-AI art; there is nothing artistic about it
had a critter shift (i don't use the word "otherkin" or its derivatives because I think a lot of how that community frames things is flawed and/or does not resonate with me) that was quite noticeable, spontaneous, and had no particular reason behind it
literal giratina sitting at my computer playing mochia atm
do not look upon me
i was not meant to be seen by humans
it's looking at me
wikipedia pages on idioms are always fun because they nearly always have a section like this. There's also just something deeply pleasing about the phrase "ornithological accuracy" in general, especially when applied to obviously metaphorical and abstracted birds like this.
Like, off of Welcome To Horrorwood 2 (2021), my favorites are F.L.Y. (The Fly, duh), Rainy Day (Resident Evil), and Ex-Mortis (Evil Dead) precisely because they're not slashers and they can do more fun stuff with different concepts. Also, I just generally like more supernatural horror motifs better than regular murder, but there are only so many ways you can write a song about stabbing / sawing up / etcetera people.
Frankly, I mostly just want something from them other than assorted versions of songs about slashers with different motifs. Like, they're all well-executed and all, but the horror movies they tend to deal with all kind of have the same plot. Hell, even more horror movies that aren't just "mass murder with a given motif" would be more interesting. They're doing their fair share of musical interest, but it kind of feels like their lyrical cleverness isn't being used to its full potential on various Songs About Slashers, you know?
not quite sure if I'm really noticing the fairy tale theming ("beatdown hardcore" isn't a very literary genre, to put it mildly), but I dig this concept. @ice nine kills; I get that y'all are having a fun time with getting songs commissioned by movie / game producers you know and like, but do an album of "tales from the public domain", I beg of you.
to the bastards who mask crypto ads in their album stream playlists disguised as actual songs, I wish a very nice hit by meteorite
i like how lorwolf (still playing it because I like the dailies and achievements, even if it is mostly dead?) isn't consistent in whether your critters are "lorwolves" or just "wolves".
sometimes I click through the entire thoughts webring, but it's mostly to check on sneek my one neocities mutual here and see if anybody acknowledged my existence, plus to look at cool themes
think that removing the timestamp from my posts with css would be kinda fun and sexy...i exist outside of space and time these do not matter
wondering if organic maps would work for degoogling my map experience. i have the places I'm most likely to be downloaded on OSMand, but it paywalling further downloads and not doing online maps puts a poor taste in my mouth, since uh i travel sometimes so
I will say that this ABC article is the most honest about Ronnie I've seen in a long time. Most articles that discuss the domestic abuse charges say he was "acquitted" or "falsely accused" or that there are "allegations" and that's it, which is not legally speaking what happened. He did get charges which were never dropped. He just paid a fine and didn't show up in court. Most other articles about how disgusting he is also bring up how successful based on questionable metrics his music career is when that's not relevant. How much people liked TDIMIY does not matter in the question of whether he abused his girlfriend or not, and bringing it up makes it come off as "he might have beat his girlfriend, buy Fashionably Late out now!"
I suspect it's that this is the first place that isn't a music magazine and actually has journalistic standards to cover him in 10+ years.
I don't disagree that he can spend his time however he wishes, but there's a time and place to post those sorts of things and your official mayor social accounts is not one of them. By doing so, you are conflating your mayoral platform with Ronnie.
This guy looks exactly like what I'd think a mayor who was also an FIR fan would. Terrifying. Add "running for office" to the list of things FIR fans should not do for everyone's safety, along with reproducing.
I can't tell who looks more like he's there against his will.
Good news: FIR is probably never touring in Australia again.
While I doubt they're going to ship him back to answer for charges re: threatening government officials, somehow I suspect that next time he applies for a visa he's not gonna get one. Good job. You had a mostly uneventful week until you decided to play keyboard warrior.
Frankly, the Ronnie stuff is par for the course. What confuses me is why this mayor dude he got photographed with thought it was a good idea. Is the emo vote really that relevant in this guy's district? Like, that's the only constituents you'd gain by taking a photo with Ronnie. You're going to alienate anyone who's mad at the US, anyone who knows of his crimes, or anyone who just thinks that he's a hoodlum with a face tattoo who's improper for elected officials to be hanging out with. And if it's trying to appeal to new young voters, then it's basically "how do you do, fellow kids" that I can't imagine most teens / 20 somethings would appreciate, even if they were fans.
I suspect over 90% of responses were "who is this guy, he looks gross". And "why are you going to concerts for disgusting American randos when you could be fixing POTHOLES", or something similar. Like, he's allowed to have hobbies, but it showing up on official socials I'd read as "my tax dollars are going towards this".
I do hope this mayor gets voted out. I know nothing about him, his policies, or the place he's mayor of, but this whole thing shows a worrying lack of professionalism on his part. Either he didn't background check Ronnie, doesn't understand not to post concert pictures on his official accounts, or is an abuse and/or bigotry apologist. And there's a pretty high chance that your tax dollars went towards that if you live there. I think even if I were a voter who knew nothing about Ronnie, I'd be pretty annoyed.
As much as I want Falling In Reverse to stay the fuck away from Canada since I intend to move there, part of me wants him to officially get pissed and/or vice versa at the Canadian government so he completes the set. just get himself blanket banned from the British Commonwealth
hey look it's me
...being the guy at the airport who directs the planes to the gates with those glowstick things has to be a pretty nerve-wracking job. Planes are big enough to seriously mess you up if they hit you even at low speeds, and jet engines will reduce you to chunky tomato sauce.
...should have looked at monthly vs. yearly. well, I guess I have a year of 4thewords premium now that I need to remember to cancel before it renews. guess I get enough out of it for it to be worthwhile and I'm not gonna issue a chargeback for "i clicked the wrong thing"
i just paid 96 dollars for a year of 4thewords premium specifically to fix my streak, because that is a Massive demotivator
blast it all, I forgot to do my 4thewords daily before midnight so I've just lost my 100+ day streak and have no way to recover it without paying
the two things that are keeping me alive:
the knowledge that most suicide methods besides shooting yourself in the head won't work, and that if I had a suicide attempt on the record I'd be even more screwed than I already am, since I'd have basically no hope of ever getting employment or gender affirming care again, nor would I probably get the opportunity to try again. I refuse to support the firearms industry, so staying alive it is.
relatable things from dinosaur comics. I'm short, but I've got a long stride and am very fast (it's the 10 years of Pokemon Go) so I basically always have to slow down whenever I'm walking with others and it's really annoying
important ronnie information: was on the beanie baby wiki which is impressively thorough and decided to look up his birthday creatures. the arctic fox he'd accept, and I don't have feelings about the holiday bears, but Britannia the Bear and the cat are hilarious given that he's banned from the UK and hates cats. It would be fun to present him with a Britannia the Bear and see how badly he'd respond.
DIYing screamoboi vocal training behind the wheel of my mom's minivan (can't do that indoors for as long as I live in a shared building with inadequate soundproofing. can't do it outside because uh I've gotten the police called on me over it before. see, this is why every good emo kid needs a basement. I used to do this in my building's basement until facilities walked in on me during a drug in me is you session and I got embarrassed and fled. haven't been in there since.)
remember, "diversity", also known as "being nice to people", is strictly forbidden. kindness leads to understanding. understanding leads to cooperation. cooperation leads to Un-American Activities (TM), so don't you dare ever try to connect with anyone who's not perfectly like you or show any fondness for anyone but your white biological children by your government approved heterosexual mate. (/sarcasm)
now, there do exist people who don't deserve empathy, or anything but a knife to the throat. say, anyone who willingly voted Republican, so don't buy into "reconciliation" and "radical empathy" either, kay? solidarity is only worth your while with people who are worthwhile. sometimes turning the other cheek just gives an opening for you to get stabbed in the back.
It's annoying how many of my dreams involve Pokemon and/or Neopets merchandise. I'm sure there exist "writers" (in quotes because it's probably on Tumblr) who'd use that to argue that I'm not actually autistic, I'm just a corporate shill or that my true potential has been crushed by corporatized fandoms. Except that I'm not part of any fandom because I find them generally annoying at best and triggering at worst due to my Tragic Groupchat Backstory. But, still, I have a built in holodeck that can produce anything, and it sends me to go get some plushies out of a claw machine?
At least the second segment of last night's dream, in which Ronnie attempts to kill me by sticking me in some weird catacombs, but is relying on me touching things that are obvious traps and/or harassing venomous snakes to do the trick, which I simply don't do and escape no problem, is more interesting.
people who post entire albums as single 45-minute videos on yewchube are the backbone of society
anyway, if you like thursday / hawthorne heights / etcetera, you'll probably also like saosin (current assessment). unsure how it's supposed to be pronounced, but they're very similar stylistically imo
watch the world burn list #N+1 (although this one postdates FIR's.)
bad girls club stuck in head from looking at ronald tiktoks with my mom yesterday. pain. suffering even
Neglected to screenshot it, but I got a gift from a Pokestop named "Everyone Doesn't Hate You". It seems to just be a random plaque in a park.
I, for one, would not be reassured by seeing that while just out and about. I read it as "well, not EVERYONE hates you. I'm sure your dog likes you!"
falling in reverse fans are irredeemable. it does not matter how much evidence there is that ronald is both disgusting as a person and bad at everything that matters for his job; they are never going to stop. falling in reverse is never going to stop until ronald either melts down or dies
someone fucking stab him challenge [this is a joke don't stab people murder is wrong]
this is a fish. (Or perhaps one of the ancestral tetrapods that are ambiguous whether they're amphibians or fish.)
the mesh shirt combined with the blackout slime just intensifies it
also, more zoomies. best quality: his wiggles. he needs a tail (so do I.)
and again, even when sweaty, that is not how human skin responds to light. he glistens. he is covered in slime your honor. absolute wretched wet beast
winHTtrack has stopped working for my neocities and I have no idea why. i need to do a backup; last time I did was october 2024
Windows Live Movie Maker (2012) clocked in at 278 MB, which means that it did better than a lot of the online compressors, but not as well as I'd hoped. I suspect that splitting it in two is probably the most viable option if I really want a version local to my website that badly, but this is kind of a holy quest now. Now I need to prove that it can be done.
adobe premier (2020 so before the AI nonsense. I got a license for PS + Premiere elements with this computer when I bought it which I fully intend to keep for as long as I can) is fucking horrifying.
what the hell is it doing such that i import a 200 meg video, don't change it at all, and tell it to save as MP4 on its lowest quality setting, and it sizes up to 3 gigabytes. if you're not familiar with metric prefixes that's an over 10x increase.
my dad's theory is "it only supports 120 frames per second so it copied every frame 4 times" and I think he was joking but uh
anybody know a GOOD video editor for windows
Also, anybody know how to get Windows XP Movie Maker-compatible codecs on Windows 10? I got MM sideloaded, but it can't open AVIs without the codecs it recognizes, and I don't see any way to download them within or outside the software. Latest support queries on MS's website are from, uh, 2011.
it is the year of our lord 2025; any file with size measured in megabytes should not still be a problem. seriously contemplating turning it into an AVI and letting my mom's long-suffering Windows XP netbook grind at it in movie maker for like a week since modern compressors ain't doing it
some videos just weren't meant to be html embedded. getting my hour+ entire album review to below 100 MB so I can upload a compressed version to Neocities is of course being a pain in the arse.
look, i love canada, would gladly let them annex the US if they wanted because I think they'd do a better job, but for the love of the gods it would be nice if these various postbacs communicated things via means other than me having to phone call them. also thompson rivers has the world's worst IT; why do you not do digital transcripts; my fucking homeschool cover school in southern hell does digital transcripts. please enter the 20th century or at least process your mail in less than a month
t'would be nice if kingdom of loathing outfits included familiar equipment; I keep forgetting to add my solid shifting time weirdness to my fam before logging off for the day along with my other rollover gear.
feeling extremely snaky today
not sure if I've become more of snek over time or if I'm just more equipped to realize it
I was supposed to have shed my human skin and started growing scales by now; I've been expecting / hoping I'll wake up with scales and a tail one day for, like, 15 years. But it seems I'll have to do that myself.
doesn't hurt that re: the chronic pain, I was clearly not meant to have legs
So apparently OSMand paywalls downloads. Great.
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